Page 4 - Cabinet Resolution No. (40) of 2019 Concerning the Executive Regulations of Federal Decree Law No. (4) of 2016 on Medical
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3.  The  data  and  information  required  to  be  disclosed  are  necessary  to  implement  a  work  or
                   program that falls within the scope of the Health Authority’s activity;
               4.  Refraining from using such data and information for purposes other than the purpose specified
                   in the Health Authority’s letter;
               5.  Refraining from sharing such data and information with non-specialists;
               6.  Causing no harm to the reputation of the patient or his family.

                                                         Article (7)

               Health authorities may set up a system to provide telehealth care services as per the controls and
               conditions contained in the Attachment annexed to this Resolution.

                                                         Article (8)

               1.  The  Competent  Health  Authority  receives  complaints  related  to  medical  errors,  and  the
                   complaint shall be submitted according to the following controls:
                   a.  To be submitted in paper or electronic form;
                   b.  It must be written in the Arabic. If it is written in another language, it must be accompanied
                       by a translation into Arabic;
                   c.  The subject of the complaint must be Stated accurately;
                   d.  All related documents must be attached thereto, if possible;
                   e.  It  must  include  the  detailed  data  of  the  complainant  and  the  patient  or  his  legal
                       representative, if any, in particular the personal address and any other data that facilitate
                       communication therewith.
               2.  The complainant may amend or withdraw his complaint, or add any other documents before
                   the Committee's report is issued;
               3.  The Court or the Public Prosecution office refers the cases or complaints submitted thereto
                   regarding medical errors, along with a copy of their attachments, to the Competent Health
                   Authority for submission to the Committee and to complete all related procedures.

               In all cases, the Health Authority must refer the complaints submitted thereto to its subordinate
               committee, in order to take its measures and exercise its specializations in accordance with the
               legislation in force.

                                                         Article (9)

               1.  In  each  Health  Authority,  a  Medical  Liability  Committee  shall  be  formed  by  virtue  of  a
                   decision issued by the Minister or the head of the Health Authority, as the case may be. The
                   Committee’s members shall include doctors specialized in the specialties determined by the
                   Health Authority, and the decision issued in this regard determines the chairman and vice
                   chairman  of  the  Committee  and  the  Committee’s  members,  rapporteur,  and  the  term  of
                   membership therein;
               2.  The Committee may seek the opinion of one or more doctors from other specialties, or the
                   opinion of whomever it deems appropriate according to the nature of the present case. It may
                   also  form  one or more technical  committees  that  include specialized doctors to  seek their
                   opinion on the file, without having a counted vote in the Committee’s decision;

               *In case of any misinterpretation, the Arabic version of this legislation prevails.
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