
We are pleased to inform you that the Wasit Health Center will be reopening on Monday, September 9, 2024. We look forward to welcoming patients and providing our services once again.

We would like to inform you that some services at Al-Halah Health Center will be temporarily suspended starting today, September 2nd. Nutrition services will be moved to Al-Khalibiya Health Center, dental services to Al-Khalibiya and Dhadna Health Centers, and influenza vaccination services to nearby centers.

We are pleased to announce the reopening of Dubai Specialized Dental Center. We will be welcoming patients starting Monday, 01/09/2024. We look forward to serving you and providing the best care.

Dear customers, we would like to inform you that the location of the Al Madina Health Center - Ajman has been moved. For more information, click here.

Al Qassimi Hospital in Sharjah Doctors Save the Life of a Patient in His Sixties

13 December 2023

In yet another impressive feat, Al Qassimi Hospital, one of Emirates Health Services’ medical facilities of, continues to lead the way in healthcare excellence. The hospital's cardiac team achieved a significant milestone by successfully performing a remarkable surgery on a 66-year-old patient. The procedure involved the pioneering use of the advanced Japanese coronary stents called "Nagomi," implemented for the first time in the Middle East region, utilizing the state-of-the-art Makoto device.

H.E. Dr. Essam Al Zarooni, Acting Executive Director of Clinical Services at EHS, affirmed that Al Qassimi Hospital has become a distinguished medical facility on both local and global levels. Its consecutive achievements, coupled with its medical expertise and proficiency, have positioned it as a sought-after destination for local, regional, and international patients. Dr. Al Zarooni emphasized that Emirates Health Services remains committed to enhancing the quality of healthcare and promoting sustainability in medical care. This commitment is demonstrated by equipping their facilities with the latest advancements in medical science.

In turn, Dr. Arif Al Nooryani, Director of Al Qassimi Hospital in Sharjah, explained that the high experience of the distinguished medical team contributed to the speed of response from the moment of the patient's admission last Monday through the examinations and the decision to perform this surgery using modern surgical techniques. This type of surgery, and the technique utilized for the first time in performing it, contribute to the hospital's various accumulated medical successes and expertise. Not only that but it reflects Al Qassimi Hospital's medical and nursing staff's commitment to provide the best health services to the community. Ultimately, this aligns with the strategies and objectives of Emirates Health Services, which seek to achieve a healthy quality of life for different members of the community.

The patient was admitted to the hospital after experiencing a sudden loss of consciousness. He was promptly transferred to the emergency department via ambulance. Following the diagnostic catheterization using the latest coronary imaging devices, known as Makoto, provided by Emirates Health Services for nearly a year now, it became the first device to operate with high-precision ultrasound. Additionally, it can assess the level of fatty deposits in the coronary artery, thereby providing a proactive estimation of the artery's susceptibility to acute clot formation.

Through these examinations, it was evident that there were multiple severe constrictions and the onset of a heart attack. The initial treatment involved balloon angioplasty followed by the implantation of the latest and most advanced type of drug-eluting stent, the "Timaster Nagomi," which is being used for the first time in the Middle East. This stent is characterized by unique specifications, such as granting the ability to stop using one of the blood thinners after just one month to reduce the risk of future bleeding. Additionally, the stent offers rare sizes and dimensions, with lengths reaching up to 50 mm and a diameter of 6.25 mm, making it the largest available diameter in the world. It is worth noting that this Japanese stent is the newest product from Terumo Corporation.

The Cardiac department team at the hospital successfully implanted the stents during the surgical procedure, which lasted for two hours. Subsequently, the patient was transferred to the intensive care unit for further monitoring until complete recovery. This achievement adds another remarkable milestone to the hospital's extensive medical record, which is filled with numerous accomplishments across various medical fields.

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