
We would like to inform you that Al Qurayyah Health Center will be closed from October 3, 2024 to March 3, 2025, with the aim of improving and developing the center.

Patients Rights and Responsibilities

Patients Rights

  • Receive impartial care respecting your personal values and beliefs from all staff without discrimination, according to the Emirates Health Services (EHS) rules and regulations
  • Receive medical care in a safe and secure setting
  • Receive immediate care in emergency cases without delay
  • Know the identity (name & specialty) of the doctor responsible for your care
  • Receive comprehensive information about your case (for example: proposed treatments, therapy advantages, and disadvantages.), in a simple and understandable manner
  • Give your written informed consent before procedures that require your written consent, after receiving all necessary information that you need to know about the procedure
  • Participate in care decision-making. Patients and parents or legal guardians are encouraged to participate in planning and implementing treatment with the healthcare team
  • Expect privacy while carrying out all examinations, procedures, and treatments at your hospital or specialized center, and maintain the confidentiality of all your information
  • Have the right to refuse the option of receiving medical care or treatment. Thus, the treating doctor must inform you about the medical consequences of your refusal. You shall then sign a form indicating your understanding of the consequences related to the refusal and accepting full responsibility for refusing medical care or treatment
  • Access information about hospital services and outcomes as appropriate
  • Receive appropriate assessments and management of pain through well-known therapeutics, and get all the necessary information in this regard
  • Ask for a second opinion within or outside the hospital/center without fear of compromising to your care

Submit comments, suggestions, or complaints about services through:
  • The website: Click Here
  • Email:
  • Toll-free: 8008877
  • Customer Service sections in hospitals and centers

Patients and Families' Responsibilities

  • Respect the hospital's or center’s rules and regulations
  • Show consideration for others and deal with other patients and staff with respect
  • Respect the privacy and comfort of other patients
  • Provide complete and accurate information about present complaints, past illness, previous hospitalization and treatment, and any known drug allergy
  • Follow the treating doctor’s instructions
  • Hold the responsibility for refusing or not following the treatment plan, after being informed about the potential consequences of this decision
  • Avoid delay in taking an appointment from the Appointment Office or Medical Records Section, as soon as it is requested by the doctor
  • Attend the appointment on time. If you want to cancel it, inform the Appointment Office 48 hours in advance
  • Respected the priority given to emergency cases
  • Observe safety regulations including the no-smoking policy, maintaining the cleanliness of the place, and hand hygiene.
  • Ensure that financial obligations due for Emirates Health Services (EHS) are fulfilled promptly (if any)
  • Give requested samples and attend medical checkups on time
  • Avoid bringing valuable personal belongings to the hospital or specialized center. The hospital or specialized center will not be held responsible for loss of or damage to such belongings. However; in emergency cases, you must notify nurses and give them these valuables in the presence of the hospital or specialized center's security staff against duly special forms. You must keep a copy of this form and verify the recipient's official identity. The hospital or specialized center management is not responsible for any consequences resulting from non-adherence to the above instructions
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